Hurricane Preparedness Resources 2023
Updated: Jul 31, 2023
It is hurricane season, and whether or not New Orleans experiences any major storms this season, now is a good time to make sure you're prepared.
In the aftermath of a Hurricane, Broadmoor Improvement Association would like to resume operations to support our community. The BIA needs individuals to come along side us! The BIA will organize volunteer crews to help residents who need support by providing the following: disaster relief supplies, tools from the Tool Lending Library, and food from our Broadmoor Food Pantry and Community Gardens. Fill out our Get Involved in Broadmoor form to join us in the aftermath of a hurricane.
Visit for the latest updates and resources from the City of New Orleans.
View the Hurricane guide from Imagine Water Works by clicking here.
Cooling Locations
There are several property management sites, public libraries, and NORD centers open for residents to cool down, but we face significant gaps on Sunday and Monday. In response, several community organizations have joined a heat relief network. See the map of locations here.
Cooling Locations for Unhoused Individuals:
Ozanam Inn has a cooling area from 5:30AM – 6:30PM daily (2239 Poydras St, New Orleans, LA 70119)
New Orleans Women & Children's Shelter will be open for families from 9am-5pm, Friday-Monday, June 16-19
The New Orleans Mission will open their Day Center as a cooling site and provide water 10 AM - 4 PM Thursday-Sunday, June 15-18th
Grace at the Greenlight will be open 6:30 AM - 7:15 AM daily and will have water on hand.
Public Water Fountains:
Check the Grace at the Greenlight Map here.
Make a plan for what you will do in the event of a major storm, including gathering the supplies you might need to shelter in place and making an evacuation plan. Learn more about how to make your hurricane preparedness plan here.
In the event of a major storm in New Orleans, the Broadmoor Improvement Association will send updates to our neighbors via text message. If you're not already signed up to receive text updates from the BIA, email to be added to the list.