Broadmoor's Top Ten Moments of 2020
As 2021 approaches, The BIA would like to reflect on the top ten moments of good in our community during this unprecedented year. 2020 bought about many challenges but Broadmoor residents stood strong. We all are looking forward to what 2021 has in store but for now read below Broadmoor moments from 2020.
Top Ten Moments In Broadmoor
1. Parcel Fee Passing With the help of Parcel Fee, the BIA provides strong, consistent, and responsive programming across the community. It passed with 71% approval rating from Broadmoor residents.
2. Broadmoor Partnerships Broadmoor Food Pantry partnerships with Second Harvest Food Bank, Winn Dixie and Malcolm Jenkins Foundation. As a result, the Broadmoor Food Pantry has more than doubled the average number of families served each month.
3. Racial Justice Training Neighborhood conversations and trainings on racial justice, including the PISAB training. Broadmoor residents were able to have an open dialogue about racism and what it means to be anti-racist in our community.
4. Trick or TreatMoor Broadmoor hosted its first socially distant Halloween celebration. It featured live performances by Will Dickerson and the Storyville Orphans, Piety and Desire Chocolate and family friendly fun.
5. Broadmoor Days of Service Hosted two days of service in the neighborhood. Each day of service consisted of volunteers cleaning over a twenty of catch basins, mulching twenty newly planted trees, and supporting the beautification of the neutral ground on Washington Avenue.
6.Broadmoor Hustle Launch A mass text-messaging service was launched to provide up to date information and a network of care for all residents.
7. Broadmoor Social Work BIA social work team provided hundreds of hours of donation-based counseling, and connected dozens of residents to SNAP, stimulus, and unemployment benefits.
8. Broadmoor Food Forest + Rain Garden The BIA partnered with Tulane University to revitalize the rain garden on General Taylor and the community garden known as the Broadmoor Food Forest on Toledano.
9. Trash Tuesday Weekly neighborhood trash pick-ups in our three subgroups was started to address quality of life concerns by residents.
10. Broadmoor Food Pantry Distributed 6,000+ prepared meals to seniors and other vulnerable neighbors, partnering with Humana Foundation to support 3 local food entrepreneurs.