The Parcel Fee supports the operations of the BIA. The Parcel Fee is $100 annually received from all property owners in Broadmoor through property tax collection. The Parcel Fee is used to sustain quality-of-life initiatives and to encourage the beautification and overall benefit of the area bounded by South Claiborne Avenue, Nashville Avenue,
Fontainebleau Drive, Octavia Street, South Norman C. Francis Parkway, Washington Avenue and Toledano Street.
Impact of the Parcel Fee
With the help of parcel Fee, the BIA provides strong, consistent, and responsive programming across the community; addressing food insecurity through the Broadmoor Food Pantry, providing affordable mental healthcare and access to social services, fostering community connectivity through monthly neighborhood meetings and other events, and providing space for free and affordable community events, meetings and classes at the Broadmoor Arts & Wellness Center and the Rosa Keller Library Community Center.
At the BIA, we believe in radical transparency and financial responsibility. We take your investment seriously and, along with an elected board of commissioners from the Broadmoor community, seek to steward the resources allocated to us through the parcel fee in a way that is responsive to community needs and concerns. Review the BIA's 2021 agency budget here.
Your Parcel Fee At Work:
Food Security
Since 2012, the Broadmoor Food Pantry has served over 7,000 households and over 16,000 individuals with emergency food assistance.

Counseling & Case Management
The Broadmoor Improvement Association provides donation-based and sliding-fee scale counseling services, making mental healthcare accessible to all our neighbors.
From 2016–2020, the BIA increased the total number of counseling hours provided from 850–1,850.

Community Centers & Events
Since 2013, the BIA has hosted over 3,000 community events, classes, and meetings at the Broadmoor Arts & Wellness Center and the Rosa Keller Library Community Center, including:
Addiction Recovery Groups
Afterschool Activities
Arts & Culture Activities
Elder Groups
Citizenship Classes
- Computer Classes
Cooking Classes
Fitness Classes
Language Classes
Meditation & Mindfulness Groups
Monthly neighborhood meetings provide Broadmoor residents with an opportunity to come together to address issues facing our community and hear from experts in the nonprofit field, City and local government, and business leaders.
Quality of Life & Neighborhood Beautification
Since 2016, BIA staff have advocated to the City on behalf of over 100 Broadmoor residents' quality of life concerns.
In addition to maintaining the Broadmoor Fine Arts & Wellness Trail — and distributing over 7,500 dog waste bags along the trail — the BIA is developing a strategic plan for enhancing access to green space and addressing flooding across the neighborhood. If renewed, the parcel fee will support the development and beautification of green spaces throughout Broadmoor, mitigating the risk of flooding and fostering a more healthy and equitable neighborhood for everyone.
Thank you for your support!
On November 3, 2020, Broadmoor residents overwhelmingly voted in support of the parcel fee, with 71% of voters approving its renewal for another five years. We look forward to continuing our work with Broadmoor residents to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood, ensuring that Broadmoor remains a neighborhood where all are supported to thrive.
What Is a Neighborhood Improvement District?Broadmoor was officially designated a “neighborhood improvement district” in June 2010. Legislation formally established Broadmoor’s boundaries, created an elected governing board, and allowed for the parcel-fee vote. Since then, Broadmoor voters have shown consistent support for the parcel fee and improvement district, which exists to promote quality of life initiatives and the ongoing maintenance of the neighborhood.
What Is the Parcel Fee?The City of New Orleans collects an annual parcel fee from all property owners in Broadmoor through property tax collection and, after taking out a one-percent collection fee, turns the money over to the Broadmoor Improvement Association's Board of Commissioners. Through public meetings, resident suggestions, and other proposals, the board decides how the money will be spent. As Louisiana’s first Neighborhood Improvement District, combined with the annual $100 parcel fee, Broadmoor can continue to make strides where other neighborhoods have faltered—reducing blight, improving education programs, providing for accessible health and wellness, creating a safe environment for our children, feeding those in need, and spurring new business in the neighborhood.
Where Does My Parcel Fee Go?Broadmoor has always been a neighborhood that takes care of its own. Your parcel fee goes directly to supporting our mission to improve the health and wellbeing of diverse Broadmoor residents. A portion of this parcel fee income helps offset the general operating costs of the BIA, which includes a staff of two full-time employees and various part-time roles. Here are some of the things we are able to achieve through the income generated from your parcel fee: - We operate the Arts & Wellness Center and Community Center within the Rosa F. Keller Library, which offer more than 25 free or low-cost classes and meetings each week to the public. - We host bi-monthly town hall style neighborhood meetings where residents can present feedback and learn about community updates. - Our wellness team offers more than 1,500 hours of sliding-scale counseling annually to nearly 1,000 client contacts. - Our social work interns provide more than 250 hours of case management and SNAP assistance. - Since 2016, the BIA has tracked and advocated for residents on over 100 quality of life concerns. - The Broadmoor Food Pantry distributes an average of 2 tons of food per month, helping to increase fresh food availability in the neighborhood by 87% since 2016. - BIA volunteers distribute approximately 7,200 dog waste bags annually for dog owners to use along the Broadmoor Fine Arts & Wellness Trail on Napoleon Avenue. Keep in mind, other New Orleans neighborhoods have voted to make their neighborhoods into security districts, which cost anywhere from $300 to 600 (and upwards) per year per parcel. Broadmoor’s is a different approach, and a better one in our opinion, that beautifies and improves Broadmoor, keeps our kids off the streets, raises property values, and creates a safer environment instead of a haven for criminal activity.
How Do I Get Involved in Broadmoor?The BIA offers many ways to get involved with your community. Here are just a few: - Attend a Broadmoor neighborhood meeting, held every other month on the third Monday of the week. Check our News for previous meeting minutes. - Sign up to volunteer at the Broadmoor Food Pantry, helping in our community garden, or participate during our many annual events held throughout the year. Complete our volunteer form to get started. - Become a Broadmoor Block Captain to advocate for your neighbors and support green infrastructure development in the neighborhood. Email us to learn more. - Join our membership program to offer a class, service, or workshop at the Arts & Wellness Center. - Follow the BIA on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook or sign up for the Broadmoor Beat email newsletter to stay in the know about neighborhood updates and get the word out to your neighbors. - Join the Broadmoor Board of Commissioners to advocate for the needs of your subgroup and become a leader in your community.
How Do I Report a Community Concern?Fill out our quality of life form to report your problem to our staff. To report blighted property to the City of New Orleans, call 311. For additional inquiries, call our office at 504-249-5130.

Subgroup B
“The BIA has been great for
our neighborhood, bringing City services to residents where they can get connect with the City through the source of the neighborhood first.”
Desk Ambassador
The BIA is a model program because its outreach is immediate and direct and applies to many walks of life for our diverse neighborhood.
Subgroup C
The parcel fee goes a long way to keeping a strong network of families in our area and helping them have great lives.
BIA Block Captain
The programs offered by the BIA have helped me stay connected with my neighbors and given me a sense of pride to live in Broadmoor